+44 (0) 7977 212 910 ed@paperuncle.com
I have worked in Engineering teams and independently on various Front End and Full Stack projects for over 20 years. I have expert experience with modern Javascript and Typescript as well as a passion for implementing thoughtful UI components leveraging modern CSS. I highly value UX, and will advocate for thoughtful and frictionless implementation of a UI and user story. I'm passionate about working on products that solve real world challenges and am happiest when working in a team of people who care.
I lead when required, but always seek opportunities to learn from my peers. What I crave most is a chance to write code with purpose, ownership and the opportunity to grow with that codebase.
Staff Software Engineer, leading the Front End team in developing advanced UI and and UX in modern Ember, which in turn power expert conversations.
A core member of the front end engineering team, building and maintaining the modern Ember app which powers Salons all over the world.
Developed a date based event API endpoint and a Vue.js front end search system to consume it.
Part of a development team on a Drupal project, building front end UI components.
Built a Nuxt Vue.js SSR application, deployed on Netlify.
Part of a dev team building a custom WordPress theme and plugins; with React.js elements.
Developed a WooCommerce theme to pull product prices from a feed and update the front end UI with AJAX calls every 30 seconds.
A custom WordPress theme and associated plugins with extensive OpenGraph support.
I provide some of my own clients with hosting for their projects, building up a good understanding of NGINX, Let's Encrypt and Debian systems.
Listen attentively, speak honestly, treat others respectfully.
Clear code composition, timely results, responsible team member.
Curious for a better way, eager to help, willing to share.
I enjoy creative copywriting, occasionally taking on projects where I look for clear and concise ways to communicate ideas.
I have been interested in music production for many years and have had records commercially released.
Among many experiments and presonal projects, I wrote a React Native iOS app which shows the UK's Food Standards Agency scores for establishments in your immediate vicinity. Avaibible on GitHub.
After giving a talk for my 8 year old son's school class on how computer code works, I was asked to return to talk to the older children about the possibilities that exist when they take a moment to understand the technology they use every day.