Ed Phillips

+44 (0) 7977 212 910


I have worked in Engineering teams and independently on various Front End and Full Stack projects for over 20 years. I have expert experience with modern Javascript and Typescript as well as a passion for implementing thoughtful UI components leveraging modern CSS. I highly value UX, and will advocate for thoughtful and frictionless implementation of a UI and user story. I'm passionate about working on products that solve real world challenges and am happiest when working in a team of people who care.

I lead when required, but always seek opportunities to learn from my peers. What I crave most is a chance to write code with purpose, ownership and the opportunity to grow with that codebase.

  • JavaScript icon
  • Vue.js icon
  • Ember.js icon
  • Tailwind CSS icon
  • Git icon



Staff Software Engineer, leading the Front End team in developing advanced UI and and UX in modern Ember, which in turn power expert conversations.

  • JavaScript icon Javascript
  • Ember.js icon Ember
  • Tailwind CSS icon Tailwind
  • GraphQL icon GraphQL
  • GitHub icon GitHub


A core member of the front end engineering team, building and maintaining the modern Ember app which powers Salons all over the world.

  • JavaScript icon Javascript
  • Ember.js icon Ember
  • GitHub icon GitHub

Portsmouth Guildhall

Developed a date based event API endpoint and a Vue.js front end search system to consume it.

  • JavaScript icon Javascript
  • Vue.js icon Vue
  • Sass icon SCSS
  • PHP icon PHP
  • WordPress icon WordPress
  • Roots icon Roots
  • Linux icon Debian
  • GitLab icon GitLab

MaxFocus, LogicNow

Part of a development team on a Drupal project, building front end UI components.

  • JavaScript icon Javascript
  • Sass icon SCSS
  • PHP icon PHP
  • Drupal icon Drupal
  • GitLab icon GitLab


Built a Nuxt Vue.js SSR application, deployed on Netlify.

  • JavaScript icon Javascript
  • Nuxt.js icon Nuxt
  • Vue.js icon Vue
  • Tailwind CSS icon Tailwind
  • GitHub icon GitHub

PACE Dimensions

Part of a dev team building a custom WordPress theme and plugins; with React.js elements.

  • JavaScript icon Javascript
  • React icon React
  • Sass icon SCSS
  • PHP icon PHP
  • WordPress icon WordPress
  • NGINX icon NGINX
  • Linux icon Debian
  • GitLab icon GitLab

Gold Investments

Developed a WooCommerce theme to pull product prices from a feed and update the front end UI with AJAX calls every 30 seconds.

  • JavaScript icon Javascript
  • Sass icon SCSS
  • PHP icon PHP
  • WordPress icon WordPress
  • GitLab icon GitLab

Learning for Action Across Health Systems

A custom WordPress theme and associated plugins with extensive OpenGraph support.

  • JavaScript icon Javascript
  • Sass icon SCSS
  • WordPress icon WordPress
  • NGINX icon NGINX
  • Linux icon Debian
  • GitLab icon GitLab

NGINX hosting

I provide some of my own clients with hosting for their projects, building up a good understanding of NGINX, Let's Encrypt and Debian systems.

  • NGINX icon NGINX
  • Linux icon Debian

Core values

Fluid communicator

Listen attentively, speak honestly, treat others respectfully.

Conscientious human

Clear code composition, timely results, responsible team member.

Knowledge sharer

Curious for a better way, eager to help, willing to share.



I enjoy creative copywriting, occasionally taking on projects where I look for clear and concise ways to communicate ideas.

    Music production

    I have been interested in music production for many years and have had records commercially released.


      Among many experiments and presonal projects, I wrote a React Native iOS app which shows the UK's Food Standards Agency scores for establishments in your immediate vicinity. Avaibible on GitHub.

      • JavaScript icon Javascript
      • React icon React
      • GitHub icon GitHub

      Exciting kids with technology

      After giving a talk for my 8 year old son's school class on how computer code works, I was asked to return to talk to the older children about the possibilities that exist when they take a moment to understand the technology they use every day.